°ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ Mobile Vaccination Unit

°ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ is committed to continuing safe, effective, and comprehensive vaccination campaigns that reach people in all communities by utilizing multiple strategies to vaccinate hard-to-reach, high-risk populations.

Traveling distance, limited access to medical providers or vaccine clinics, lack of public transportation, mobility issues, and work/family care schedules make it hard for some people to get vaccinated. The °ÄÃÅÆßÐÇͼ mobile vaccination unit is one way to reach them and bring vaccination services closer to communities in need. Our goal is to reach specific underserved populations, including high-risk groups, essential workers, and rural communities.

Photo Gallery

Walter & Andrew Young YMCA Back-To-School COVID-19 Vaccine Event

Latino Community Fund COVID-19 Vaccine Event